Passionate and driven undergraduate with a strong interest in AI and ML research. Eager to contribute to cutting-edge projects and explore the frontiers of AI. Committed to continuous learning and innovation. Ready to tackle complex challenges and make a positive impact. Let's redefine what's possible together.

AI Researcher & Developer.
- Birthday: 27 Oct 2002
- Website: https://rachit-gandhi.github.io/
- Phone: +91 9650470567
- City: New Delhi, India
- Age: 20
- Degree: B.E. Electronics & M.S.c. Mathematics
- Email: rachitgandhi2002@gmail.com
- Work: Looking for Research Internships and Thesis in Spring 2024
Current Guided Projects
Currently working 2 Student Projects under the guidance of Dr. Meetha V. Shenoy and Dr. Avinash Gautum at BITS, Pilani.

ROS-based control and monitoring of robot manipulator
Under: DR. Meetha V. Shenoy @ NETRA Lab
Coming soon
Mobile Robot Localisation based on Semantic features
Under: DR. Avinash Gautum @ Embedded Systems and Robotics Lab
Check Progress HereResume
As a highly motivated undergraduate student with a passion for technology and a strong interest in AI and ML research, I am seeking an opportunity to contribute my skills and knowledge to cutting-edge projects in the field. With a solid foundation in programming languages such as C, Python, and C++, coupled with a strong academic background in mathematics and electronics, I am eager to apply my abilities to tackle complex challenges and explore the frontiers of AI and ML. I am committed to continuous learning and growth, and I aspire to be at the forefront of innovation in this rapidly-evolving field.
Rachit Gandhi
Pre-Final Year Student exploring oppurtunities as a Research Intern and Thesis for final year.
- Residence: VK Bhawan, BITS, Pilani
- +91-9650470567
- rachitgandhi2002@gmail.com
B.E. Electronics and Instrumentation & M.Sc. Mathematics
2020 - 2025
Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences
Important Courses Covered:
Positions of Responsibility
2022 - Now
SLAM Lead @Sally Robotics
- Presided over the activities of the Autonomous Navigation Team for the academic year 2022-23.
- Responsible for smooth functioning of the team and coordination with other subsystems.
- Led and trained a team of 15+ students in the fields of Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping.
2021 - 2022
Junior Researcher @Sally Robotics
- Worked on Dynamic SLAM Problem, doing Literature Reviews and Further Research
- Worked on Turtlebot3 to implement SLAM Algorithms
2021 - Now
Core member @AI & Robotics Society
- BITS Pilani's society for AI & Robotics enthusiasts. Holding discussions and paper-reading sessions on Machine Learning, Computer Vision, NLP, SLAM, etc. AIRS has previously collaborated with Sally Robotics, Computer Vision Research Society (CVRS), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) BITS Pilani, Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-CEERI).
- Revived the society in 2022.
- Held paper-reading sessions in the spirit of preserving and propogating Machine Learning research culture in the institute.
2023 - Now
Core member @KXR Lab
- BITS Pilani's First Extended Reality Lab fully equiped to provide space for research and development in Virtual Reality Field, currently in talks with Indian Army for a project.
- Helped in recruitment and ideation on ideas to take up in following semester
- Created a pitch deck for use of VR in application for Indian Army, reviewed technical feasibility and platforms for development
Professional Experience
Deep Learning Intern
June,2023 - August,2023
KPMG, Gurugram, IN
Part of Industry 4.0 team at KPMG, Dealing with cutting edge technology implementation for clients. Lead a team of co interns, involving cross collaboration between fields of Consultancy and Mechanical Engineering. Aim of the project is to do forecast of power produced by a wind farm at an Interval of 45 mins for the period of 2-3 days, to improve estimated power output or undertake maintenance accordingly.
- Completed data pre-processing, ensuring a clean dataset and identifying relevant statistical features. Generated reports to analyze correlations specific to each turbine for the period 2019-2021. Dealt with missing values using a rolling median approach to maintain data integrity.Dealt with missing values using a rolling median approach to maintain data integrity.
- Conducted feature engineering using Tabnet, CNN, and XGBoost to address non-linear correlations between features. Developed an ensemble feature extraction method to enhance model performance.
- Applied state-of-the-art methods involving transformers and attention mechanisms for time series forecasting. Achieved an impressive 80% accuracy in one-step prediction.
- Demonstrated exceptional generalization capabilities for a complex Kelmarsh dataset with intricate weather patterns and curtailment issues.
- Maintained a high level of professionalism throughout the project, adhering to industry best practices. & Sole Contributer to final delivery product of a modular codebase.
Researcher and Content Writter
May, 2023 - Now
Hummingbird Robotics YT channel
- Working alongside two full-time robotics engineers learning about best practices in the Industry
- Working on a ROS2 based Docker file for creation of multi-robot tutorials
- Worked on Particle Filter series, this served as an extension to current Kalman Filter series. Article published on Medium by Mathias Mantenelli
Research Intern
Oct,2022 - Jan,2023
Got selected in a competitive cohort of about 20 students across the world and timezones. Collaborating on cutting-edge research
- Worked on replication of GoogleAI, relighting potrait papers.
- Brainstormed various approaches. Came up with the appch followed by the team on using NeRFs and relighting using physics based simulation software
- Worked on various implementations of SoTA NeRF techniques, including NeRF++, NeRF-W, NeRF-T, NeRF-S, NeRF-VAE, etc.
Python Developer Intern
Jun,2022 - Aug,2022
KPMG, Gurugram, IN
Got selected for the Tax,Technology and Transformation team at KPMG, dealing with digital-code based requirements of clients to facilitate day-to-day functioning.
- Created Flask Interface with Authenication to run Python Scripts, for faster implementation and access to clients
- Wrote Code to improve date extraction from financial documents to verify authenticity
- Built a script to extract information from XBRL Documents, within a limited period of time.
Data Science Intern
May,2022 - Jun,2022
Wise Finserv
"Application of Data Science in making Financial Decisions" under the domain of Wealth Management & Financial Planning domain. Under the mentorship of Mr. Ritvik Singh Rautela, AVP- Private Wealth Solutions.
- Understood evaluation metrics for Mutual Funds and importance of diversity in Mutual Funds Investment
- Worked on a linkedin crawler to get contacts of various connections to cold mail them.
Feel free to contact me for any oppurtunities
VK Bhawan, BITS Pilani Campus, Pilani, Rajasthan, India